Our Business Was Put Together With Your Business In Mind
The fact is if your in the retail business or hospitality sector your business needs a strong online presence. Being a former carpet retailer and carpet fitter I truly understand your struggles.
Media Marketing Today was put together so you can out smart your online competitors. We’ve invested not just money but five years of our time to bring you resources that some major marketing agencies have never even seen.
Now it’s time for you to adapt and evolve even in the most difficult times.
Graphic Design
Good graphic Design can speak volumes about your business. Get it wrong and it can seirously damage your credibility.
Whe’re here to help. Whether you’re a new start up business looking to create your brand identity or a well established company thinking about refreshing your identity and moving with the times.
Video Marketing is a great way to engage with your prospects and customers.
Able to excite, educate, expel negativity, endorse your products and services and emotionally justify that they made the right choice.
We produce many types of video to suit your needs.
Web Design
All our sites are built on WordPress using a responsive frame work and content management system.
We’ll build your website to what you want not what we think you want. Your prospects will be able to navigate your site with ease and have a positive user experience.
Your site will be mobile responsive.
Email marketing is a great way to uplift your marketing strategy. It cannot only build engagement, and brand awareness. It’s also a valuable asset.
Email marketing should be considered a directline of communication. It can be tailored to your prospects needs and their buying behavior. It’s relatively inexpensive and highly cost effective.
Social Media
When It comes to social media the first thing you should consider is who is your target audience and what’s your objective. Once this is established we can work on a strategy that will engage and interact with your audience.
We can create or edit your existing profile and add your details. Making sure it reaches your prospects and generating organic likes, comments and traffic.

Due to the pandemic it may not be possible to deliver your project in person. As a precaution we may deliver your project via email or video conferance call.
If you feel your project needs a amendment please say. We are more than happy to make revisions.
Our aim is to ensure your completley satisfied so we build along term relationship.